Day after tomorrow is Navarathri, can you believe. I am running out of time....
there are 3 more dresses to finish, but there is also golu steps to be decorated, dolls to be taken out of 'Paranai' Loft and dusted;
Then they have to be arranged neatly.... need to prepare gifts for guests,
'Sundal' menu to be finalized (Sundal is dish offered to god and then to guests during all 9 days of navarathri; one day will have one variety of Sundal!)
Ah the park that my DD had been planning for over a month now, but today only we got a chance to sit down and work on is the first look of it, though improvements will be added as when we feel like it! We still haven't added placards for each item in the park to make them recognizable.. the hill was entirely my DD's idea....
Empty thread spools are used as Tree bark and Polyfill coated in green poster color makes for the green on top.
Are you able to see yellow seesaw and the push-pin wheel cart holder being used as tent top for swing area....! all my emptied items in sewing stash have been upcycled...what say???
Fish fountain is very special to my DD as she loves the one in the Tower Park near my Aunt's place and wanted one in her golu park so here it is....
Then what else is there... ha yes, fire engine and ambulance being parked at entrance is also at my DD's behest as she feels any public place which is crowded should have access to these..... hmmm didn't even strike me once.... The entrance arch was made by DD using her building blocks...
The structure at center with 2 stairs and 2 ramps to access it from all 4 directions is supposed to be Tower, by which the Park is named so....
We also added a water world, see in our universe everything co exists even sharks swim sweetly next to Ducks! Yes my DD says no the shark would not eat them.... ha ha.... we used magic sand to give the sea effect... need to cover up the thermacol still...
I chose to link up this park here:

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