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Mar 8, 2012

Happy Woman's Day & Happy Holi too!

What a coincidence the festival of colors and a day to celebrate women falls on the day!
 I for one am no fan of having a specific day to mark 'Women's day'per say! but never mind getting wished and reminded of the fact that, being a woman is special, no man can pull it off, the sheer blessing of being a woman.

All  you lovely ladies out there, May all your dreams come true, and to all those gentlemen out there, do your bit in fulfilling the dreams of the woman in your life!

Wish you a safe organic Holi too !

On the sewing front, made these too summer trousers using left over fabrics , getting back into sewing mode, but am finding it bit tough to get into full swing, as Adithi comes back from school at 11 Am (half a day!)

The pockets are 2 layered (pic not so clear , iphone to be blamed!)

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  1. really very cute pants. please help me make a similar one by giving me cutting tips

    1. They are very easy to knock off; may be will do a mini-tute later next week. All you need is a readymade comfy pants to trace out the pattern!


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